Ypres Lotus Day 30th May 2019

Ypres Lotus Day

This annual event is always organised on Ascension day and is definitely not to be missed. Seloc were well represented with approximately 10 cars travelling over from the UK to take part and thoroughly enjoy a great day out.

For some of us the journey commenced on the Wednesday catching the Eurotunnel train to Calais and a leisurely drive to the very nice Hotel Ariane in Ypres (Ieper) where we were greeted by the staff and provided with a complimentary drink.

The evening before the event we had a lovely meal at a local restaurant named Captain Cook where we caught up with a few other Seloc friends. An absolutely lovely and enjoyable time was had by all and finished in time for a walk to the Menin Gate to witness the daily service as a memorial to the fallen of the Great war. From 11th November 1929 the Last Post has been sounded at the Menin Gate Memorial site every night regardless of weather conditions. The only exception to this was during the four years of the German occupation of Ypres from 20th May 1940 to 6th September 1944.

After the service we were invited to a ‘meet and greet’ at a local bar (Café Troebadour) with Pascal (One of the YLD organisers) for a few infamous Belgian beers. Wow some these have a pretty strong ABV!! To finish the evening off it was back to the Hotel for a night cap.

The morning of the YLD event saw approximately 120 Lotus cars of all descriptions descend on the Grand Place Grote Markt and what a magnificent sight it was with all the Lotus cars parked up plus with the weather on our side it had the making of a brilliant day. With registration completed and armed with the map book of the morning route we all headed off around 10:00 a.m. It’s amazing how many cars leave the meeting point and become spread apart so quickly. The map book is straight forward to read (by the co-pilot) but woe betide should you miss a turning! Thank goodness for reverse gear which was well used.




Even straying off the route at times was all part of the fun and you soon spotted other Lotus cars roaring around so it was just a matter of catching up. I guess that’s the beauty of the landscape being so flat. The roads were predominantly farm roads and lanes, just over one car width, making a spirited drive possible.

Our first stop was for Lunch at a lovely venue Den Oesterput where a delicious meal was prepared and awaiting our arrival.

Once we had all been fed and watered it was off on the afternoon run. With the sun shining and a cloudless sky it was a warm pleasant drive through the countryside again. Now that everyone had made it through the morning run we knew what to expect for the afternoon and we weren’t disappointed, what a superb drive it was!

A mid-afternoon drink stop was arranged at Verzekeringen  ERARD  where we all parked up and enjoyed some welcome light refreshments and a quick catch up on the day’s event so far.

With no more a do it was off for the last stint to the final destination at the lovely Hotel complex Domein Vossengerg where we were greeted with a Champagne reception ready for the superb evening meal.

To sum up the event, it really must be on any Lotus owners ‘must do list’ as this is one event not to be missed.

The organisation of the whole day is second to none, with tremendous hard work by the organisers Pascal and Frederik; an achievement that deserves recognition. So add a note in your diary for next year’s event arranged for Thursday 21st May 2020.

Report by John Murphy (S2john)

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